Monday 4 April 2011

Education is the Key!

Hello, green, savvy friends...

This has been a week of learning for me.  As the journey continues to increasing my environmental and health friendly knowledge, I have been discovering more and more startling information that I was oblivious to.  I met with a good friend last week and she sent me the links to two amazing websites that have opened my eyes to the amount of unnecessary, harmful ingredients in many products that I use from day to day.

The page I blogged about yesterday: has been a wealth of knowledge that I hope you all check out, as well as (the Environmental Working Group), which offers another seemingly never ending well of information like Health Tips, Environmental Health and Toxins, and Children's Health.

I have also found that twitter is an amazing resource and a great place to meet people who are also interested in green, wholesome living!  Check us out on twitter and join the community!  @WholesomeAbode

My goal for this week is to really focus and become a student of composting.  I am hoping to start a successful compost once the snow leaves (hopefully soon!) so would love any insight or tips!  You can comment below, or hit us up on the twitter!  @WholesomeAbode

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